Thursday, March 29, 2007

What Part of "Illegal" is no comprende'???

Hi ya'll! Hope everyone's doin' alright out there today ~ and I hope by the time I get done with this week's issue, you're all as ticked off as I am. I'm trying really hard to remember I'm a Southerner, and as so, I'm trying to keep my mouth in check. But basically, I'm sick, and tired, and fed up with our government selling this country out to illegal aliens! (And don't even start on me about "illegal alien" being racist, or offensive, or any of that other horse manure - just callin' a spade a spade, ya' know?)

Something usually happens on a daily basis to get me stirred up on this topic, and today it was the State of Illinois. Apparently their state delegates are as ignorant, politically correct sell-outs as Virginia's. It seems the House has passed a bill, that if the Senate passes the Governor will sign, allowing for driver's licenses to be issued to illegal aliens!

So let's see now...we've got the State of Illinois handing out driver's licenses, we've got the Bank of Screw America handing out credit cards...let's just take a look at what else is going on to help these folks out. I mean, their only crime was committed the second they set foot on American soil! Other than that...

Let's take a look at our illustrious house majority leader Nancy Pelosi. In 2003, after a raid on Wal-mart, which rounded up about 300 illegals, dear Mizz Pelosi, defender of the down-trodden was so distraught over what those raids were doing to them ~

"Pelosi contends that investigating and inquiring about illegal aliens working at the nation's number one retailer creates tension for the workers. "It instills a great deal of fear in people who are only trying to earn a living and put food on the table for their family," she told reporters on Friday during her visit to Mexico." Well have mercy child! What about hundreds of thousands of Americans who would like to put food on THEIR family's tables??? Then again, she IS from California - the state wanting to give a $500 savings account to EVERY newborn - REGARDLESS of whether they're legal citizens or not! (And this whole "anchor baby" thing...I would love to know the statistics on the number of Mexican women who cross our borders 8 months pregnant!)

And although I'm a Conservative, and normally agree with President Bush, his views on Illegals are enough to pull me out of his support base. Just last week, he stood in Mexico and promised the Mexican people "comprehensive immigration reform." Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't he have been standing on American soil, promising American citizens more strict and stringent immigration laws???

I'm fed up! I want someone in office to stand up for AMERICANS!!! We're the ones who elect them! We're the ones they're supposed to be serving. We're the ones the Constitution is making reference to in "By the people, for the people"!!!

And stop feeding me that bull about "they're only trying to make a better life for themselves. Their government is so oppressive." You know, a year or so ago, they were in OUR streets by the thousands, bullying OUR government, basically sending out the message "We're here - we're staying, like it or not." And I don't think I'll ever forget the one rally sign I saw on the news..."Today we march, tomorrow we vote." (OK, guess that explains a lot about why our government wants to cater to them so much). But if they can come over here, push our citizens and our government around like they are, why can't they do that in Mexico?? (I thought I was going to get thrown out of a Bojangle's when those marches were going on. I had had enough, when I came across a table of 4 Mexicans, one on a cell phone talking loud enough IN SPANISH that the whole restaurant had to endure the conversation. All of a sudden, I didn't care he was in the middle of a call. I looked over and said "Excuse me", to which he replied "Si?" I asked why he was speaking spanish. He looked at me and explained, in ENGLISH, how sometimes they spoke English, sometimes Spanish. I told him "No. This is the United States - in this country we speak ENGLISH". That statement was met with a roar of laughter from him and his buddies, until one at a time, the half-dozen or so people in line in front of me broke into applause. They were finished and out of there before I could get my order placed!)

Last year a bill was introduced in the Senate to make English the official language of the US, yet Harry Reid in all his wisdom said the bill was "racist". "This amendment is racist. I think it's directed basically to people who speak Spanish," the Democrat said during the already tense debate over immigration reform." How many times ya'll reckon ol' Harry has ever had to "Press 1 for English"?

You know, I've never really had a problem sharing my opinion (any of ya'll who know me can stifle the laughter right about now). But I have at least always tried to be polite about it. Anymore, I don't care. I don't care if I offend anyone. I don't care if the Mexican in the grocery line in front of me hears me saying "Gee, wonder if they're legal?" I don't care who hears me griping about the spanish printed on the product packaging anymore. I don't care that someone thinks I'm racist because the fellow who owns Gino's Philly Steak in Philadelphia, with the "English only" sign in the window is one of my new found heroes. I just plain don't care - it's not like they're going to be offended enough to leave! They didn't care when they got in our faces with their marches (more are planned, by the way). (Which reminds me - why the heck weren't they arrested and deported THEN??)

It's time to take our country back folks. The politicians in office now can do too much damage before the next election. We've got to let them know NOW how we feel. Being from the South, true history teaches us exactly what happens with Government-endorsed invasions. We can't sit around fussing about it, and continually leave it up to the next guy to do something about it! It's not going to happen ~ WE have to fix it ourselves. Let your Senators and Congressmen know how you feel! Let them know they'll be serving their last terms if they let this amnesty go thru! (Start your own blog, posting where your representatives stand - for example, my Congressman, Rick Boucher, Dem. 9th district, has been pretty good about looking out for Americans. One of my Senators - John Warner, Rep. (yeah right), voted in favor of the "Dream Act" and could care less about Americans, and Sen. Jim Webb, Dem., well, he's too new and I can't get his aides to tell me where he stands on anything ('cept maybe gun control now). Let them know we're fed up and not taking it anymore. The silent majority has been too silent too long, and it's time to make some noise!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Get It Together

**Author's Note - Hi again ya'll! Glad you could stop by for a moment! This is not the blog I had originally planned to be next, but recent events have prompted it. I'm a member of several pro-Confederate, pro-Southern post sites (on yahoo, msn, etc.). Now please don't get me wrong - these sites have been an invaluable source of information on things going on in our Southland. And to the moderators of those sites, my hat is off to ya'. It's all I can do to keep a little blog going once a week or so. I can't imagine what it takes to keep those sites and posts up and running. It's just that lately, I've noticed a lot of "infighting" going on, and well, I guess today was just the last straw. So, here's my opinion again. I hope maybe some of you all can offer some solutions.** Ladies and Gentlemen, The constant arguing is getting us nowhere! This infighting is so counter-productive! Everyone can check this group daily to see whether their post on their opinion of HK has been posted. Everyone can check and see whether the advice given to another state under the "what ya'll should've done" guise has been posted. Everyone can check to see if their post on "Ya'll check out what I did for Southern Defense - give ME some credit" has been posted. And yet nothing gets accomplished ~ wonder why? Why wasn't everyone following the debate in the VA Legislature and writing their letters and making their phone calls BEFORE the apology passed? Why haven't people been posting contact info on the scalawags in Lee Co. FL, and then folks checking THAT post and making their phone calls and writing their letters and where able, GOING to the Commissioners office and talking to these people? Why are we POST-active? Folks, if the South had been this "together" in the war, it wouldn't have lasted 4 months, much less 4 years! And I'm not sitting here pointing fingers thinking I'm above reproach - I'm not. I'm guilty too. And I sit here now, realizing the atrocity we've committed - I'VE let down my ancestors, I'VE let down my homeland - I think we all have. I know this hasn't been intentional on ANYone's part. We ALL want to preserve our heritage. We ALL want to carry on the honor of our ancestors. We all want to rise to the defense of Dixie. But, we've GOT to come together to do it! We've got to stop looking for the self-glorification. We've got to stop judging people and individually deciding who can and who can't defend our beloved South. We can't pass judgement on someone's intentions just because they've asked for financial help to continue their method of fighting the battle. So HK has asked for this financial help. When was the last time any of us set up at a re-enactment and didn't sell brochures for $3. When have we had a set up that we didn't sell flags for $10 each? When have we not sold raffle tickets for a replica of an 1861 pistol, or a Confederate blanket, or a cotton-made flag? ALL to raise money for what we're trying to do? I can't believe the pettiness we've sunk to! We've got to put an end to it! I've even seen sarcastic remarks on HK's plan to run for mayor. This floors me, as I would think any of the like-minded folks we can get into public office would have to help our cause. Heck, I've even thought about running against Ward Armstrong here in VA thanks to his acquiescence with regards to THEIR apology. I would like to think there would be some support out there, as opposed to the back-biting and undermining I've seen with regards to HK. And no, this isn't another PRO or ANTI HK post. It's a pro-South, pro-defend Dixie, pro-Southern Heritage post. We've GOT to stop the infighting. We've GOT to stop the undermining of others and the self- grandizing of some. We've GOT to show a united front, and with some of the posts I've seen, it just "ain't happenin' ". And yes, we've all attended the Appomattox Cemetary Memorial; or we've gone to pay respects at the Lee/Jackson event in Lexington; or we've organized rallies in Selma or protests at NASCAR events; or we've tried to educate at some of the week-end encampments. And we HAVE to continue that. We have to stay on the defense. But what if, just WHAT IF, we came together enough to act instead of just REact. What if we were strong enough to ask for Confederate History month to be NATIONALLY recognized? How incredible would that be? We can't do things like that as individuals. We can't accomplish these things carrying on with the same mentality I've seen in some of these posts. We've GOT to come together. Think of the way the men, outnumber and outgunned at Gettysburg practically begged General Lee to "let us go just one more time General Lee - we can whoop 'em this time, we know we can". We don't have General Lee with us here today, not physically. But we do have his memory. We do have the defense of his honor. And we have the spirit of EVERY soldier who gave his life in defense of the South. Will that not be enough to pull us together again, to fight TOGETHER again, and just maybe be victorious this time? For the love of the South, Donnette