Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I'm not apologizing!

Well, looks like Virginia's all-knowing and wise delegates have really done it now...apologized for slavery for the whole state. Well, they didn't speak for me. Now before y'all go and scream racists or any of those other terms you find so endearing, hear me out... Slavery was wrong. It was atrocious. It was also legal 140 years ago. I wasn't around then. I doubt many of you all were either. So tell me, who's left to apologize, and who's left to receive the apology? And before y'all want to tell me how underprivileged blacks are today because of history...I'll admit, there could be some truth to that I suppose. BUT - how long can one race use any issue for a crutch, and how long can another race be blamed? And no, not all descendants of slavery use it as a crutch. As a matter of fact, I'd dare say not a lot do. But you know that media - the squeaky wheel gets the air time... Now, bein' Southern, I take particular offense to that apology - for several reasons. For one thing, those pandering politically correct politicians didn't speak for the majority of the any Virginia Apology Polls. That's not what they were elected to do, yet they continue to sit up there in their ivory towers, totally out of touch with what their constituents want, catering to their own political agendas. Well, we can change that the next time elections roll around. Secondly, slavery did not exist only in Virginia. So why did Virginia delegates up and decide to do this? What about New York? Mizz Clinton, you've done enough Southern-bashing with your trip to SC - where's your apology? And Mr. Kennedy - history books seem to show slavery existed in Massechusetts...I don't hear you saying much. Matter of fact, I don't hear much of anything coming from above the Mason-Dixon. That bothers me. Do the great legislators of the North realize how bad Virginia delegates screwed up, so they're gonna keep their mouths shut? (What about that - first time for everything I guess). Thirdly, and just as important, I'm concerned with the doors this will open - mainly the doors of reparations. In early February, before this thing ever passed, Je$$e Jack$on was talking about how "there may be a reluctance to apologize for the heinous crime of slavery, because with apology goes the obligation to repair the damage" (CNSN News, Feb. 2, 2007). Now I ask you - when has Je$$e Jack$on EVER done anything that didn't result in his financial gain? If you're easily offended (and for whatever reason, you're still reading) you might want to stop here, because I'm going to give you my take on "reparations". Actually, it's a friend's take, but I'm going to borrow it, because it makes a really good point. Let's say you're cruising along in your '86 Pinto. I run a stop sign, and total your Pinto. At this point me and/or my insurance owe you "reparations". One of us is going to pay to put you back in the position you were in before I came along and ruined it for you. BUT, we're going to put you exactly where you were. You're not getting reimbursed for a 2007 Hummer, or even a 2004 Lexus. You're going to get the equivalent of an '86 Pinto. THAT'S reparations. So, here's your grass shack in Africa Je$$e - happy now? And I've been told that I'm taking this apology too personally (those of you who know me, I'm sure, see how ridiculous that is!), but actually, I guess they're right. Growing up in the South, I've continually had to watch as my Southern Heritage has been chipped away. Revisionist history has so demonized the South, that anyone who refuses to read the truth about that horrible war continues to demonize my beloved homeland. And everyday, something else "Confederate" is deemed offensive and ordered removed (or changed, or altered, etc.) And everytime we protest the loss, at some point and time someone always tells us to "Get over it". (Use the phrase "Get over it" when it comes to the slavery issue - the NAACP will be on ya' like white on rice!) Not really that easy, you see. I come from Confederate blood. Several of my ancestors fought against lincoln's invasion (and no, you'll never see that name capitalized in one of my posts). Those ancestors weren't rich plantation-owning slaveholders. They were as common as they come. They were farmers mostly, like my family still does some of today. Their homes, their land, their family, their very way of life came under attack. And they fought back. The South seceeded - we just wanted to be left alone to do our thing, and the union could do it's thing. But lincoln couldn't let it be. And don't start on me about Ft. Sumpter. If need be, I'll explain that in another post. But I digress. I came from a bloodline of folks who's only source of pride wasn't their mansions, or how many slaves they owned, or how much land. Their pride was in their families, their simple homes (as they definitely weren't rich), their belief in God and Country. And THAT's what they fought for. The government of that time had become corrupt. The north was all fat and happy, prospering off the proverbial back of the South. And my ancestors fought against it! They fought against the same tyranny that the founding fathers had fought against in the first war for independance. The Southland meant enough to them that they tried to leave the union peacefully, and when that failed, a quarter-million soldiers gave their lives to defend it. THAT's the ancestors I come from. THAT's where my Confederate pride comes from. THAT's why I'm proud to call myself a Southerner. And you see, this apology is being looked at by some as an admission of guilt. Yes, it existed, (in the North and South). Yes, it was terrible. But Virginia is not going to be made to carry the guilt of the entire country 142 years ago! I absolutely will NOT dishonor the pride and memory of my ancestors with some kind of apology that is meant only for show, or political correctness, or appeasement. I genuinely hate that slavery existed, and now I hate that this apology exists. Please check out the following link - ( Thank you to jackhawkins) - it's a truly awesome call to arms.


Anonymous said...

Your blog tells it exactly like it is Southern girl. I too am a southerner.....from Louisiana. And my ancestors fought for southern independence from lincoln's devils too. I don't know of any of my ancestors being wealthy enough to own slaves so I'm sick and tired of gutless politicians, Hollywood imbeciles and the one sided media having a double standard when it comes to Dixie. As far as I'm concerned, the more these lowlives try to tell me I can't fly the flag that my ancestors fought under, the more I'm going to fly it.
R. Wayne

Anonymous said...

Great job on expressing your feelings regarding the issue of slavery and the ridiculos thought of reparations. I don't mind giving any slave reparations. Problem is, there aren't any slaves here now! Je$$e and his crew are only in it for the money. Most people now know the ambitions and motivations of Mr Jack$on. He has been reduced to a worthless pile of nothingness. You keep up the good work, Southern Girl, the South will rise again.


Anonymous said...

Great blog Southern Girl! I agree with you completely. I was very disappointed in our so called "legislators" here in Virginia when the made their apology. Now they have opened up Virginia tax payers to the next step for the NAACP, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton and that is reparations. That is what this is all about after all, money! Not an apology or healing a rift, but money.

Virginia Confederate

Anonymous said...

Very well put, Southern Girl. The Virginia Legislature is certainly not what it once was. And so be it. We Southrons should view this craven appeasement as a clarion call to redouble our efforts to rally our fellow compatriots to the Cause of the South.

One thing that we can do right off the bat is to meet the economic extortion from Je$$e and crew with economic secession. Start doing business as much as possible with like-minded Southrons. It may not be politically feasible right now to throw off the Yankee tyranny, but we sure don't have to love it and we sure don't have to subsidize it.

Another thing we can do is to work to revive Southern culture in all of its facets and manifestations. And not just among ourselves! We must create a press and an electronic media that promotes all things Southern, with no apologies for the past and with a bright hope for the future. This means that we have to begin producing inspirational and creative things that make Southerners proud to be Southern. Heaven knows that we have been beaten down over our heritage!

There are pro-Southern groups that have positive programs for doing just this. The Yankeefied mainstream political parties and the decadent media establishment certainly ARE NOT going to help us out in this, and we must stop believing that there is anything to be gained by having any truck with those organizations. The Yankee newspaper twit who has approved the latest slur against the Confederacy in his rag will view any and all protest from us as a perverted justification for his actions. Let him preach to his choir of misbegotten ne'er-do-wells, for it affects us not a whit.

Once we have re-established a social basis for our existence, then other things become possible. But until we start viewing ourselves organically as a people and working to make this view a social reality, all other efforts will be futile and still-born. So let us begin now.

Anonymous said...

Southern Girl,

It makes my rebel heart swell with pride when I see good Southern people like you stand up for their Confederate heritage and be counted. You have done a fantastic job with this blog site! Please keep up the good work.

God bless,


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that I loved your blog, especially, your Pinto example! I knew that those idiots in Richmond were selling us out, but what do they care? Well, maybe come election time, we can make them care. Check the record, see how your representatives voted on that so called apology. Of course, Virginia like all of the Southern states has been so infiltrated by yankees that it isn't truly Southern any more. That breaks my Virginia heart, but the blood of at least nine Virginia Confederate soldiers flows in my veins, so I'm not ready to give up the fight, yet!

Keep writing! You did a great job!

Anonymous said...

As a native Virginian, my reply to the legislature for their "apology" will be at the voting booth. As with many of the other issues they have debated, again they didn't vote for me on this issue.

Perhaps there are still too many scalawags and carpetbaggers in "Ole Virginny" that need to be replaced. As with most beautiful Southern cities, the problem is that they are being taken over more and more by carpetbaggers and scalawags, who encourage immorality. This is one of the key reasons why illegitimacy among blacks is running at nearly 70%. Right now, Virginia is running out of enough substantial tax-payers to support the social welfare burden of illegitimate blacks and primarily-Hispanic illegal aliens. Just look at the mess that the Union has made in Northern Virginia.

Thanks for your blog, Southern Girl. Deo Vindice.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all you said. Good work! Drop by the Southern War Room
We need writers.

Brock Townsend

Anonymous said...

Southern Girl,As Commander of my local SCV Camp down here in Florida, as well as a life member of the Florida Society OCR (Thorn), I commend you on your Stand. We sorely need more of your sort in our ranks.

Your Servant,
Sidney M. (Max) Basford
Commander Camp 1346, SCV

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Jessie Kimmel, im from Missouri, and im currently fighting a ban on Confederate flags in my high school. i just wanted to tell you i love your comment about hilary clinton and your comment about reparations(that one made me laugh)! i think the idea of apologozing is completely ridiculous!


Rebeldame said...

Jessie -
Please contact me at - I'd like to put you in touch with some folks who can help you with your battle at the high school. (I can't get this site to show me how to retrieve the emails of people who post, or I would have emailed you directly).

Dessie aka Dixiegirl 4 Him said...

Hey there Rebeldame!
Awesome post! My ancestors too fought for their homeland and family against lincoln's unconstitutional attack. I agree with your take on reparations and make no apology for something in which I did not contribute. Keep on standing up for the truth! With God's help we will win. I pray for the day when the CSA will be sovereign once again!
In Christ and the spirit of sisterhood, Dessie

Anonymous said...

A couple of things. I was born and raised in Virginia but feel as if I am in another country at times. Northern Virginia is Yankee-land. It isn't even a part of Virginia (in my opinion) yet it certainly does carry a lot of political weight. Perhaps it should be it's own state because it doesn't match the rest of the Commonwealth. Gen. Lee is problably rollling over in his grave about our state.
As for reparations. IF it is decided that reparations are in order, then it will require a GREAT deal of work on the recipients' end. First of all, they need to do their geneology. Not all blacks that are here come from slaves (whether in the North or the South). They will need to prove, legally and legitimately, who,specifically, their ancesteors are, who they were owned by, and if at the time of their freedom, they were given any land or money from the government or former owners to start their lives over. If anything was given, then reparations for that family have been done already. If not, it is going to be fun to see how much money will be given for each former slave and how many decendents it will have to be divided up with. When you look at it that way, it hardley makes it worthwhile does it?
Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Rebeldame, That is a great post! I am proud of your blog. It is really good. Jessie, I would recommend that you contact "The Southern Legal Resource Center" at .They are the ACLU for Unreconstructed Southerners. They do a lot of work on the flag issue. Teresa (Greystarfish1)

Anonymous said...

I came across your article on the SHVN's newsletter. Speaking as a black female, born and raised in the south, I think it's bull that your state apologized for slavery. And it's sad to say, but I'm embarrassed that my people are actually proud of making someone apologize for a group of people for something they did not do. If anything I think that just gives the people who dislikes blacks another reason to hate us. I'm not gonna pretend like there's not racism present in the country today, because there are people from all races who are racist. But I think it's forced racism, every side wants to blame the other side for something instead of just doing what they can to do a better person. Like whites blame the blacks for anything negative, and blacks blame for the whites for anything negative that happens to them(and I'm not saying that's true of everyone, just a generalization).
It's sad that the NAACP preaches equality and trying to get over something that happened 140 years ago, but they don't wanna lead by example. I'm sure when the organization was first created, they served a true purpose, but now I think, actually I know it's about proving that they have the power to make people do stupid stuff, and of course. As they say, money is the root of all evil. Whenever there is just about any kind of legal that involves minorites getting money if they win, you better believe the NAACP is backing them in high hopes that they get some kind of "donation" out of it. Those donations are what funds the organization, and pays the salary to the people who run it so they can spend their life not doing real work, but living off others and fueling race fights so they can continue to live off others. Instead of using their powers for good like cleaning up the streets, stressing the importance of religion, education, making your own legal money, and actually helping minorites, instead they pick fights that accomplish nothing. And good for you refuse to apologize for something that you did not do. You can't help anything that happened way before all of our times.


Anonymous said...

Great post! Your southern sisters in South Carolina mirror your thoughts and opinions. Our state, too, has come under attack over the battle flag. Keep this blog going; you have a good forum here.

Ann Eliza Harllee Chapter
South Carolina Order of Confederate Rose

Anonymous said...

I am from South Carolina also, and think it is time to do house cleaning in Columbia. First to go should be Graham ! He is one that is for removing our flag...have had contact with him via e-mail, so I do know his views. They are NOT for perserving our history or our flag.

Keep up the great work here.

The South Will Rise Again!!!

Anonymous said...

Rebeldame, you make us all proud, we southerners have to stand togather and quit this infighting if we wish to survive the tyranny of the PC in the south, keep the fath.

Anonymous said...


You had some great points. I am black and I agree with you when it comes to Jesse Jackson. But do you not uderstand that because of the past, the present is like it is? Is there slavery? No. Is there LEGAL segregation? No. But do some races still have a superiority complex? Absolutley. That's what keeps this issue alive. Pride. If you are white, you are no better than anyone who isn't. Same for me, being black. If we could all just understand that, the world would be a better place. And please stop generalizing people. That's another issue that both sides need to work on.

And tnrebel, when you say "we southerners" do you mean whites and blacks, or just whites? That just proves my point.

Rebeldame said...

To the most recent "Annonymous" (by the way, I'm really proud of the folks who want to put a name with their replies - tells me you're proud of how you feel and not ashamed for anyone to know who you are)...

Anyway, blacks are not the only ones affected by "the past" - ask any Southerner who tries to display the Confederate flag and has ever been asked to remove it.

You said to stop "generalizing", yet when you asked tnrebel what they meant by "we southerners" - you yourself generalized by not even waiting for an answer, just ending with "That just proves my point". Last I checked, there were blacks AND whites that both fought for the Confederacy AND fight to keep our Southern Heritage alive today. And since you're the one who said to "stop generalizing people" I'm just curious - regarding what exactly?

Anonymous said...

I don't know who you are put I love the way you think. A Southern lady that knows her history and is not a liberal socialist. How refreshing that is. There is hope for the South yet.